Jeremiah Hill is ready for his Super-Heavyweight Title fight at CFC 5 and has a few words to say to his opponent Chase Mcmullen
Johnathan Ivey’s Cage Fighting Championships (CFC) 5 will take place on Saturday October 20, 2018 in Murfreesboro, Tennessee at the Mid TN Expo Center. Event doors will open at 630 p.m. and fights will start at 730 pm.
This event is stacked from top to bottom. One of the fighters is Jeremiah Hill hes fought all over middle Tennessee years ago, but took some time off to focus on family and career. He made his return to MMA at CFC 4 where he finished Lavelle Miller in the first round. He immediately asked for a shot at the vacant title, and after defeating Miller so fast that the promotion felt like he deserved it. Jeremiah will take on Chase Mcmullen October 20th for the Super-Heavyweight Title.
But before Hill steps in the cage to fight for that title, he sat down with Roberto CEO of FightBookMMA to talk about his fight.
Hi Jeremiah thank you for taking time out of your busy day to sit down and talk to me. Lets start by you telling the fans a bit about yourself.
Well lets see I’m 33 years old from Clarksville, TN. I am a Marine Corps. veteran with 2 tours in Iraq in 04 and 05. These days I build elevators for a living and train MMA at night. I have a beautiful wife I’ve been with for 10 years that supports me 100% chasing this crazy dream. Also have a son, daughter, and a stepdaughter that mean the world to me.
How did you find MMA in the first place?
When I got to my unit after Infantry school I became friends with another Marine named Avery Williams. He had all these old Pride Fighting DVD’s that we would watch all the time. We would be out in the sand in our spare time in Iraq grappling. I fell in love with it and it grew from there. Then when I came home in 07 I found a Gym in Clarksville to train at and that’s when I met Johnathan Ivey. Over the years it really became more about the therapy training and fighting provided me with over the actual dream of making it big. As a combat veteran dealing with the stuff the so many of us do I can say MMA probably saved my life.
First thank you for your service and you can never go wrong watching old Pride fights. So you already fought Lavelle Miller back in CFC 4, did the fight go as you expected?
For sure. We knew his game plan was to put me on the cage, take me down, and try to submit me. I was confident that he wouldn’t be able to take me down and that I had a definite advantage standing.
Did you notice anything that you needed to improve on after your fight with Miller?
I’d say my cardio. It was my first fight back after a long layoff so I did come out and adrenaline dump a little but luckily realized it and was able to recover.
While you were preparing to fight Miller, I assume you watched his fight with Chase Mcmullen, what did you think of Chase?
I saw a young inexperienced fighter with wild standup. One big thing that stood out to me was a lack of punching power.
Do you think Chase is going to be a tougher fight than Lavelle was?
In a sense no. They are two totally different fights. Lavelle took me out of my comfort zone and made me defend the takedown and strike from the clinch. Whereas I believe Chase thinks he can stand in front of me and throw hands. Believe me when I say that will make my night on October 20th if he does. I don’t think he has the ability to hurt me. I believe I will get hit harder sparring during camp than I will in this fight. I know for a fact his chin is suspect and there is a good chance when I connect he will go to sleep!
How do you see your title fight going?
I see us coming in banging it out and Chase going to sleep within the first round.
Do you think you can finish Chase in the first round like you did Lavelle?
For sure! This one will be more devastating!
Anything you want to say to Lavelle before you meet in the cage at CFC 5?
Just know I’m coming to put on a show. I’m coming to Knock you out. No amount of work is going to fix a glass jaw and I’m about to shatter it!
Is there anybody in the CFC that you want to fight next?
Doesn’t matter to me. I’m here to fight whoever and whenever. A fights a fight. It’s what I love to do.
Jeremiah thanks again for the opportunity. Is there any sponsors or anyone you want to give a shout out the floor is yours.
Huge thank you to my wife and kids for the sacrifices they make for this dream. My coach Ryan McDonald and the guys training with me in the dungeon. Mike Merriman and the guys at Wildside for letting me be apart of their team part-time. Veteran Grown go check them out on Facebook for all you hemp and CBD needs. Last but not least Johnathan Ivey for giving me this opportunity to do what I love. October 20th Murfreesboro, TN you’re not going to want to miss this!

Roberto Villa is the CEO, Founder, Executive Writer, Senior Editor of FightBook MMA. Has a passion for Combat Sports and also a podcast host for Sitting Ringside. He’s also a former MMA fighter and Kickboxer.
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