Whether you train with resistance bands often or are considering adding them to your workout, you likely don’t realize just how many benefits this type of workout brings to the table. Ranging from practical to muscle building, the pros of using resistance bands far outweigh other exercise methods for some. In this article, we’ll look at six of those benefits and explain why adding resistance bands to your routine is wise.

1. Affordable

Resistance bands are incredibly affordable for any budget. In fact, most places offer bands for as little as $10. This means you can get multiple bands of varying tensions so you have the right one for all of your resistance band workouts. Plus, it’s much cheaper than investing in expensive equipment or training video subscriptions.

2. Great for Stretching

One common use of resistance bands is for stretching muscles before a hard workout. They’re a great way to turn a normal stretching session into something more dynamic and challenging for your muscles. Plus, they give you a wider range of motion to stretch muscles you don’t use often like your outer or inner thighs, triceps and traps.

The more stretched you are before you start intense exercise, the less susceptible you are to injury. Resistance bands help to warm up your muscles so you can train at your level without worrying about being benched.

3. Higher Difficulty Exercise

If you’re in love with your workout routine but starting to find it a little too easy, add a resistance band! You can loop it around your legs while you do lunges or squats to keep tension in those muscles as you move. Or you can put it around your knees to give your hips and outer thighs a tougher time. You can even use them when working on your arms to build more muscle.

There is no shortage of ways you can implement resistance bands in your normal workout to make it a little more difficult. This helps you engage more muscles during a single exercise and really feel the burn.

4. Easy to Travel With

Another benefit that many people overlook when considering resistance bands is how easy they are to fit in a suitcase. Vacation is a leading reason that people fall out of their exercise routines. They don’t have time to run or access to a gym and lose the habit while having fun with friends and family.

If you had a resistance band, you could sneak in a quick workout in the morning or evening without having to leave your hotel room. This way you can keep yourself in shape even when you’re away from your normal setup.

5. Improves Mobility

Mobility and flexibility are the two most important factors to protecting your body from injury, especially as you age. We already discussed how resistance bands can help with flexibility, so now let’s look at mobility.

Resistance bands help you develop the muscles that help with your range of motion, such as your hips and shoulders. The stronger these muscles are, the better they’re able to support your body in motion, no matter what direction you’re moving in.

6. Safe to Use

Resistance bands are far safer to use than any heavy weight-lifting machine or even free dumbbells. They work with your body and natural strength levels, which means you’re unlikely to push too hard too fast and hurt yourself. Plus, you don’t have to worry about finding a buddy to spot you. You can do it all on your own!

Resistance bands are a great workout alternative or addition. Consider adding them to your exercise routine to step up to the next level.

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