Keeping Fit and Fight Ready Through the Holidays

Keeping Fit and Fight Ready Through the Holidays

For you, the holidays may not just be about good food, good company, joy, and warmth. With every holiday season probably comes the worry about how much weight you might gain or what you will spend your time doing while the place where you train is closed for the holidays, especially if you are new to the process. However, this worry can be combated. Consider the following ways that you can try for keeping fit and fight-ready through the holidays.

Do Not Neglect Your Training

It might be tempting to not train during your time away from your coach or sensei, but it is not a good idea to skip or neglect your training. If you do so, even for that short time, you may come back to training and find that your body does not respond as well as it usually does to the regular routine that you have progressed to. Make sure you carve out an adequate time slot every single day to allow yourself to devote attention to your regular training regimen. If you cannot do it at the time you usually do it, find another point in the day. Training later is better than not training at all.

Practice Portion Control

With the arrival of the holidays, it is understandable to envision a big spread of food and want to try to get a little of everything on your plate. However, during this time, it is also a good idea to focus on portion control, because if you do not, things might get out of hand. You need to consider how your body will be affected by everything that you place on your plate, and let those considerations guide you toward your choices in what foods you take and whether you should get seconds. If you do not practice portion control, you might find yourself getting in the habit of eating even more and more often, which will affect how your body responds to training. Try eating breakfast on the day of the holiday or drinking a Vegan Protein Smoothie Recipe that morning instead of attempting to go without food for the entire day only to stuff yourself sick at the dinner table. You cannot be fight-ready if you are passed out on the couch in a turkey coma.

Keep Your Focus on Your Goals

Another thing that can be tempting to abandon around the holiday season are your goals. No matter what your goals are for, they should not be put to the side just because things are getting hectic and you have to prepare to have family and friends over. Dedication is what makes goals achievable, and if you have been working on a goal for the entire year only to pause around the holidays, you might find it difficult, even almost impossible, to go back to focusing on achieving your goal. The holiday season is two months long, as prep work is factored into that. Not spending time on something for the last two months of the year can make you miss what you were trying to achieve. Carve out the time to achieve your goal and keep yourself on track. If you are on something such as a 75 hard program, you cannot afford to miss a day. It might be hard amidst all of the holiday chaos, but you need to press on.

The holidays, while stressful, are meant to be the times when people reunite after not seeing each other for a long time and create wonderful new memories together. By keeping fit and fight-ready through the holidays, you can focus on your loved ones instead of worrying about how neglecting your regimen will bite you back after the holidays have ended.

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